2021 - A Look Ahead

A few weeks ago, I asked friends and followers to share what they were grateful for in 2020 and fortunately had a pretty good response. In such a trying year, things are finally looking up. The vaccine is being rolled out, the economy is good, and while we can't gather in traditional ways, we can still be together in spirit.

Nearly 20 individuals responded to the request, and here are some of the highlights.

When asked what didn't turn out as planned, here are some of the responses:

  • "I lost a job that I really enjoyed."

  • "Our family wasn't able to take a summer vacation this year for the first time in over 20 years. Not terrible but it’s the only time we can all be together."

  • "My job fell through approaching graduation."

  • "My marriage. The pressure of the pandemic and economic issues made things difficult.”

When asked what are you grateful for in 2020, respondents said:

  • "Health and family mainly. This year has forced me to focus on what is truly important to me and not what others think is important."

  • "Doors that God has closed and then opened for me. I am excited for what is to come."

Overwhelmingly, respondents would like to thank their friends and family for encouraging them and supporting them this year. Friends were a close second, and it was incredibly encouraging that so many mentioned their parents. Hopefully, this parental support will be an excellent example for generations to come.

Finally, people, as expected, are really looking forward to 2021. Here are some responses:

  • "I can't wait to go back to music festivals soon! I never realized how music and sharing the musical experience with others refreshed me. I need some of that in 2021!"

  • "Meeting new people, pushing myself and growing professionally and personally."

  • "Getting back in the gym once I feel like it's safe. My goodness, I have gotten doughy and can't wait to get back at it with my tribe!"

  • "A new start in life and at work. I am also excited to watch my kids learn new things."

  • "Going back to the office because I really miss my coworkers. I had no idea how important my work family is to me."

  • "New beginnings and fulfilling the Lord's purpose in my life through relationships."

If you are like me, I am excited to see what is next and waiting for all of us in 2021, and by the looks of it, there are plenty of folks that will join us on this exciting journey.

Personally, I miss the gym, I miss air travel, and I miss going to the movies, especially over the holidays. We have all been through a lot this year, and never forget the sacrifices and challenges that each of you have overcome this year. The best is yet to come.

God bless us all in 2021 and beyond.


2021 - Good Advice


Grateful for 2020: A Survey