Customer Moments Matter - JCB North America

We all have key moments in life that we will never forget. Chip and Dan Heath call these the "positive defining moments that we put in our treasure chest" in the book, The Power of Moments. If you don't have it, you need to get it.

These moments can be:

  • The time you finally learned to ride your bike

  • When you aced the exam

  • The family vacation to Europe

  • Your wedding

  • The birth of your children

The list goes on and on.

To many customers of yours, the moment they sell their home to move to a bigger one, purchase that tractor that makes their farm more efficient, or when they buy a new car are more examples of key defining moments. These moments can be life-changing in their own way, and businesses can leverage these moments to create good positive content.

I have seen some great examples of realtors elevating these moments to create social media content and others to make their customers feel good. In fact, we sold our house this summer, and our realtor, Amy Maziarz, typically takes pictures of her clients when they sell their home, but she asked us if she could, and we declined. However, she did give us a nice bottle of bourbon and a cutting board in the shape of the state of Alabama. Thank you, Amy!

Another realtor that does this well is a friend from my hometown, Lief Thornton. He makes it a habit of taking closing pictures with customers and posting them. Whether they know it or not, they are leveraging the psychology of social proof, and is a smart move.

Recently, I saw a big brand, JCB North America, do this well on Linkedin. Not only did they post the purchase, but they wrapped a story around it. The Travis Smith family story explained WHY they purchased the tractor and threw in a couple of value props about cycle times and grain carts in for good measure. As a bonus, they also gave the Smith family a shout out about their third child's birth. Kudos to JCB for leveraging these moments to share with their fans and followers on social media.

If companies that sell tractors can tell an engaging story about how their customers use their products to make their life easier, why can't you tell a story with your brand?

Let us help you solve that problem and bring engaging stories to your customers, fans, and followers.


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