A 2020 Thanksgiving - Best Yet?

I have been thinking a lot about the past year and trying to log the events that happened with our family in 2020 so that I wouldn't forget. Because in 30 years or so, the stories i tell to my grandkids will sound like the ramblings of a delirious old man.

"Grandpa's been in the sauce again!" and they won't be talking about cranberry.

With everything that has happened, COVID, civil unrest, the presidential election, broken ankles and broken hearts, I think we should all look back on the past year and also take notes about the great things that have happened like spending more time with family.

I know our family enjoyed a lot of our time together this year. There were tough times sure but my son got to experience a summer without baseball and while that might seem like a bad thing, he learned the value of hard work by mowing yards and learned how to market his company on Facebook and by handing out business cards. With baseball, he wouldn't have been able to do that.

My daughter really began the transition to adulthood and has become a very inspiring young lady that will change the world one day. I am convinced of that. My wife, who is my rock, rolled right along through all the punches that this year brought our family but we realized that through all this, that our family can make it through anything that life throws at us and I am so grateful for her.

So, as we embark on a very different holiday season, let's all take a moment and really be thankful for what we all have because it could be so much worse. And while we can't all be together, let's make the most of the simple time we will have this year and reflect on what a good year it has truly been for all of us.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Twisted Tea & Jake the Viking


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